Addiction Counselling

In-clinic sessions

We have several therapists offering addiction counselling at our clinics in Buckhurst Hill and Henley-on-Thames.

online sessions

We also offer online and telephone sessions for those who cannot attend the sessions at our centre. 

How we Can help

Addiction Counselling

The word “addiction” is derived from a Latin term for “enslaved by” or “bound to”. It is the condition of being unable to stop using or doing something even though it is causing psychological and/or physical harm.

People may turn to substances or behaviours as a way of controlling emotional pain caused by childhood traumas, attachments, life pressures and stress.

In this way addiction is not the primary issue; it is an attempt by the addict to solve a problem. The activity may also not be the problem, however, the relationship that the addict has with the activity may have become problematic. 

Counselling Approaches:

Different counsellors bring different skills and training to the sessions and will use a variety of tools and techniques using different theoretical approaches.

We help clients overcome addiction using different approaches such as: counselling and psychotherapyhypnotherapyacupuncture and mindfulness. Each approach focuses on reducing or eliminating the client’s unhealthy behaviours, breaking the vicious cycle of addiction.

Each treatment can be taken independently, or clients can choose to book a combination of treatments. 

Helps With:

Treatment Information


Once you have made the decision to have addiction counselling, your therapist will contact you to discuss what you want to achieve from your sessions. You will be asked what you are seeking counselling for and explore your goals. The therapist will also take this time to sign their paperwork with you, explaining their contract and policies. 

During your initial appointment, the therapist will explain what addiction counselling is and how it works, taking time to answer any questions you may have. At this point, the therapist may speak to you about your addiction and if this session will be for you as an individual or if it will include others for relationship/ couples sessions or family sessions. 

The amount of sessions needed varies for different people, some only need a few sessions, whereas others use addiction counselling over a period of time, making this “open-ended”. 

If subsequent sessions are needed, these sessions will be used to reflect, discuss, and then conduct further therapy techniques.

During your final session, the therapist will discuss with you your progress, thoughts, and feelings.  At this stage, the therapist can provide you with techniques and tasks you can use to help sustain the progress you have made in sessions.

If you would like more information about addiction counselling, or if you would like to book an appointment, please get in touch. 

If you would also like to use multiple different approaches to help you, please read about our different approaches such as; counselling and psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, acupuncture and mindfulness

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of addictions do you help with?

Our addiction counselling sessions can help with; Alcohol Addiction, Drug Addiction, Sex and Porn Addiction, Gambling, Gaming, Social Media, Shopping and Food.

Do I need to come to the centre for sessions?

Cherry Tree Therapy Centre is open for face-to-face sessions, but sessions can be carried out via Zoom or telephone. If a client is unable to come into the Centre, we will consider home visits.

How do I book a session?

Please fill in our contact form. We will then send you a link to a pre-assessment form where we will use the information to match you with the best counsellor or psychotherapist for you.

Our Counsellors

Alexandra Doucy counsellor.jpg

Psychodynamic Psychotherapist Specialising in Couples and Individuals

Counselling Young People

Integrative Counsellor

Specialising in Children, Adolescents & Adults mental health

Addiction Counselling

Counsellor / Psychotherapist
Specialises in Addiction Counselling

Annmarie Wakeling

Experience Individual and Couples Counsellor

Art and Play Therapy

Child and Adolescent Counsellor specialising in Art & Play Therapy

sexually compulsive

Integrative Counsellor and Coach

Becky Hearn


Belinda Evans

Therapeutic Counsellor

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Caroline Ley

Clinical Director.
Psychosexual Therapist and Sex Addiction Counsellor

Catherine VM .student counsellor .JPG

Qualified Psychotherapeutic Counsellor and Student 

Clare Hawes

Therapeutic Counsellor

Cynthia Kelchure

Integrative Counsellor / Coach / Therapeutic Social Worker / ADHD and ASD Assessments

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Integrative Counsellor
Person-Centred / Cognitive Behavioural Therapy / Psychodynamic Therapy

Clinical Supervisor

Counsellor / Psychotherapist / Clinical Supervisor

Integrative Counsellor and Psychotherapist

Integrative Psychotherapist and Lifespan Integration trained Therapist

Student Counsellor

Counsellor & Psychotherapist

Gottman Therapy

Counsellor / Psychotherapist Specialising in Gottman and Couples Counselling


Psychotherapist, specialising in CBT, EMDR and MBT

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Integrative Counsellor and Psychotherapist

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Jo Read

Integrative Counsellor and Psychotherapist

jude H .jpg

Integrative Counsellor. Specialising in Couples and neurodiverse teens and adults

Therapeutic counsellor

Therapeutic Counsellor

person centred counselling

Person Centred Counsellor

Kevin Bracey .JPG

Therapeutic Counsellor

Liz Start

Therapeutic Counsellor

louisa levy counsellor.jpg

Therapeutic Counsellor Specialising in Children aged 8+, Young People, Adults and Elders 

Lynda Dobrin counsellor.jpg

Person-Centred Counsellor

Counsellor / Coach

Mo Dixon

Integrative Counsellor and Coach

Nick Young

Trainee Integrative Counsellor and Coach

Nina L-S .JPG

Children & Adolescents Counsellor / Play Therapy

Transformational Coaching

Counsellor / Psychotherapist / Coach / Mindfulness Practitioner / Clinical Supervisor

Paul Gray counsellor .JPG

Integrative Counsellor


Counsellor / Psychotherapist

Sarah Lamont .JPG

Integrative Counsellor and Psychotherapist

Sarah Stobbart

Counsellor Specialising in Trauma

serife dent counsellor

Integrative Counsellor, specialising in both individuals and couples

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Humanistic Integrative Counsellor / Clinical Supervisor

Qualified Counsellor


Tania Sansom

Integrative, trauma-informed psychotherapist