Teachers Wellbeing

In-clinic sessions

We offer face-to-face sessions at our clinics in Buckhurst and Henley-on-Thames.

Online sessions

Don’t worry if you are unable to attend the Centre. We also offer these services online and over the telephone. 

How We Can help

Teachers Wellbeing

We are working together with Sarah Hurwood, the EFSPT Wellbeing Lead, who has organised a Trust for teaching staff to receive aid for their mental health. 

The Trust has a community of fifteen Primary and one Special school, all based in the Epping Forest District.

The Trust aims to show the value and importance of having positive mental health, so they can help achieve the best possible outcome for all their staff.

EFSPT staff can receive up to 6 sessions, free of charge.

Confidentiality is of paramount importance within the practice. Invoices for your sessions will have an ID code, the name of your workplace and you will not be able to be identified from this code.


We have worked with many local schools in the Epping Forest District.

Helps With:

  • Staff Absenteeism
  • Staff Presenteeism
  • Professional Burnout
  • Productivity
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Panic Attacks
  • Low Self-Esteem
  • Low Confidence
  • Loss of Direction
  • Mental Health Issues
  • Worry
  • Plus much more

Treatment Information

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Once you have made the decision to have counselling, we will conduct an assessment, this will take place over the phone. 

Once our contract has been signed your therapist will contact you to discuss what you want to achieve from your sessions. You will be asked what you are seeking counselling for and explore your goals. The therapist will also take this time to explain the contract and policies. 

During your initial appointment, the therapist will explain how the sessions will progress and take time to answer any questions you may have.

The amount of sessions needed varies for different people, some only need a few sessions, whereas others use counselling over a period of time. 

If subsequent sessions are needed, these sessions will be used to reflect on continuing your discussion and discovery. 

During your final session, the therapist will discuss with you your progress, thoughts, and feelings.  At this stage, the therapist can provide you with techniques and tasks you can use to help sustain the progress you have made in sessions.


If you are interested in receiving more information about our Schools Project or any other of our services, please get in contact

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my school is a part of the Trust?

Epping Forest Schools Partnership Trust have a list of participating schools. Please see their website - www.efspt.org.

Will my headteacher be informed about my sessions?

No, we have a strict confidentiality policy and give all Schools Trust clients a randomised codename.

What will happen after my 6 free sessions?

After you have taken your 6 sessions, you have the option to stay on with your therapist and pay for each session or end your contract with us.

Our Students

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Student Counsellor

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Student Counsellor

Catherine VM .student counsellor .JPG

Qualified Psychotherapeutic Counsellor and Student 

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Student Counsellor

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Student Counsellor


Student Counsellor

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Student Counsellor

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Student Counsellor

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Student Counsellor